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How to apply for ATA documents

What is the ATA Document Book?
       ATA Documents, also known as cargo passports, are composed of the first letters of Admission Temporaire in French and Temporary Admission in EnglishProvisional import。The ATA document is an international customs document created by the World Customs Organization for the temporary import of goods。In 1961, the World Customs Organization adopted the ATA Document Customs Convention on the Temporary Import of Goods, followed by the 1990 Convention on the Temporary Import of Goods, thereby establishing and improving the ATA document system, which has been accepted by 75 countries and regions up to nowATA documents import declaration
How to apply for ATA documents
1. The applicant shall meet the following conditions: 
       1. The applicant is a natural person, legal person, permanent representative office or other organization whose place of residence or registration is in the People's Republic of China;
       (2) The applicant is the owner of the goods or the person who has the right of independent and free disposal of the goods。
Ii. Bidding Conditions:
       1. The goods can be re-imported in the original state except for normal losses in use;
       2. General classification of goods use:
       (1) International fairs, trade fairs,exhibitionArticles displayed or used at international conferences and similar events;
       (2) Paper plates, plates, plates, molds, drawings, models and other similar items related to manufacturing activities;
       (3) Containers, pallets, packaging materials, samples and other goods related to commercial activities;
       (d) scientific research equipment, teaching supplies, seafarers' welfare supplies and other goods related to educational, scientific or cultural activities;
       (5) Sporting goods and other articles necessary for participating in overseas sports competitions, sports performances and training;
       (6) Personal belongings required for overseas sightseeing, job hunting, study, professional conferences and other activities;
       (7) Pictures, photographs, photographic works needed to participate in cultural, religious, or professional gatherings abroad,artworkAudio and video supplies, printed materials, free playback of recorded films, records, etc.;
       (8) personal driving trips abroad;
       3. Comply with the provisions of international conventions or relevant domestic laws to which the temporary importing country/region is party。
3. Application materials
       1. Application form;
       2. General list of goods;
       3, the applicant's identity documents (according to the nature of the applicant, submit enterprise legal person business license, institution legal person certificate, organization code certificate, social organization legal person registration certificate, resident representative office registration certificate or ID card, etc
4. Time limit for processing
       The pre-examination of the application materials will take 2 working days, and the ATA document will be issued within 3 working days if it meets the requirements。


Focus on import customs clearance agent, agent import documents, ATA document declaration, temporary import and export agency services, export agent, export declaration, international freight forwarders;Please contact us at 400-888-0577 。 | Apply for ATA documents | ATA document book |
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