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Learn how to import new source food

  In China, the newly developed, newly discovered, newly introduced food without eating habits, meet the basic requirements of food called new resource food。The new resource food shall conform to the rules of the Food Health Law and relevant laws, regulations and norms, and shall not cause any acute, subacute, chronic or other potential health damage to the human body。The State encourages scientific research and development of new sources of food。

Learn how to import new source food

  I. Introduction
  New resources food importsMost of them fall between common foods and health supplements, and as of January 31, 2012, more than 100 new resource food lists have been approved by the Ministry of Health。Many customers do not want to go through the process of health care products, the procedures to obtain the approval of the food and Drug Administration are relatively long and costly, and many customers of new resources food expect to be able to import according to the food process。Qiannuo International can help customers do relevant consultation according to the product information provided by customers. If it is a new resource food, our company can smoothly help customers complete the customs clearance procedures。
  New resource food imports need to be different from ordinary food when planning Chinese labels, and there are many points to pay attention to。The requirements for declaration elements are also different in import declaration。Qiannuo International can represent customers to do the label pre-examination of related products, and can also represent customers to the customs pre-classification and other procedures。Before the customer's goods arrive at the port, Qiannuo International will help the customer implement all the procedures and details in place to avoid the loss of customers caused by the failure of customs clearance after the goods arrive at the port。
  Import new resource food reference map
  Ii. Remarks
  Qiannuo International agent has imported xylosura fruit, Cordyceps pupa, propolis, etc. Qiannuo understands the precautions and import process of new resource food imports。Please feel free to inquire about the specific operation and process。


Focus on import customs clearance agent, agent import documents, ATA document declaration, temporary import and export agency services, export agent, export declaration, international freight forwarders;Please contact us at 400-888-0577 。 | Learn how to import new source food |  
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