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What is the process of professional international trade agency for imported frozen products

      With the rapid development of international logistics in the context of economic globalization, more and more high-quality products are imported by domestic buyers in cooperation with foreign suppliers。
      In recent years, the frozen goods import industry has developed rapidly, attracting more and more people to engage in frozen goods trade。
However, the import of frozen products is a very specialized process, and it is necessary to master the relevant professional ability to do it well, otherwise, no more efforts may be wasted, and ultimately, regrettably, it will be eliminated by the market。
      What is the process of professional international trade agency for imported frozen products?Let's take a look at it。
      The process of importing frozen products by foreign trade agents mainly consists of four steps, namely, determining customers and cooperation methods, signing and executing contracts, clearing goods, shipping and sales。
International trade agent for imported frozen goods
Identification of customers and ways of cooperation;
       The first start - review materials and site visits - signing the import agency agreement。
       Conclusion and performance of the second contract。
       Verification of foreign trade qualifications - signing of procurement contracts - receiving prepayment - paying prepayment to foreign companies - Shipping to domestic companies - providing scanned copies of the original by foreign companies - examining documents and inquiring shipping information - paying the balance - applying for import licenses - receiving the original customs declaration。
       Third, goods import customs clearance。
       Customs declaration companies declare to the customs - pay customs duties, value-added tax - customs inspection and release。
       Fourth, warehousing and sales of goods。
       Delivery - cold storage receipt - customer delivery application - accounting bill - collection - delivery instruction, delivery notice - sales contract, invoice。
       The overall process of foreign trade agent import frozen products business layer by layer, interlocking, each link can not be ignored, the implementation process should pay attention to the relevant steps and details, if you have any questions about the process of foreign trade agent import frozen products, please leave us a message。
For more knowledge about frozen products, please pay attention to the frozen products guide to lock in the details of the update。
       At present, China's economic growth mainly depends on investment and foreign trade, among which foreign trade is highly dependent, which plays an important role in China's economic development。Import agent is one of the main forms in the business development of foreign trade enterprises. Although foreign trade enterprises are not the bearers of agency business risks, they are the first responsible person once problems arise as the subject of foreign contract signing。Moreover, import fraud and financing agent import under L/C emerge endlessly, which is particularly important for the risk control of import agent。


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