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8 detailed steps of the international shipping container import process, come and collect!

  International shipping full container importThe process of 8 detailed steps, come to the collection!

        1.Receive the shipping company's arrival notice

  2.With the original bill of lading or telex release bill of lading and notice of arrival, power of attorney, to the shipping company to handle the bill of lading (to pay the shipping company to import THC and document fees)

  3.Provide customs declaration information, such as packing list, invoice, contract, hand-filled declaration form, declaration power of attorney, etc., to the port customs agent to arrange import declaration

  4.Customs review - Price verification - Customs declaration (if the customs does not accept the price, the price needs to be negotiated)

8 detailed steps of the international shipping container import process, come and collect!

  5.Customs declaration confirmation - customs tax and VAT

  6.Pay taxes - Customs issue a release slip

  7.Pick up the container at the dock with the release slip and the bill of lading (please note that the free storage period at the dock is generally 5 days), and the warehouse rent should be paid if the time is over。

  8.After the factory has finished unloading, the empty container will be returned to the dock by the tow company。

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