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Current Location: 首页 - Foreign trade school - Freight common sense

International railway transport business operation process can be divided into these 6 steps, hurry collection!

  International railway transportThe business operation process can be divided into these 6 steps, hurry collection!one.Consignment: The shipper informs the agent of the need to arrange vehicle or container transportation, delivery and sending stations and sending stations, the name and quantity of the goods, estimated transit time, customer name, telephone number, contact person, etc。

  2.Transport document: The shipper must confirm the quotation with the agent, and confirm the agency relationship, the shipper must entrust us in writing:

  (1) Transport power of attorney

  (2) Declaration power of attorney

  (3) Power of attorney for inspection


  (4) Customs declaration form




  (8) Commodity inspection invoice

  3.Customs declaration: the consignor will prepare the above documents and send them to the company designated by the agent, and the agent will arrange customs declaration at the port, that is, Manzhouli, Erenhot, Alashankou, Pingxiang and other places。

  4.Shipping: According to the transportation plan arrangement notice, the shipper in the delivery and dispatch, the goods declared in the local shipment need to be customs declaration, contract, packing list, invoice, seal and other documents with the car。Contracts, packing lists, invoices, customs declarations, commodity inspection certificates and other documents required for customs declaration shall be collected by customs agents。A third copy is issued to the shipper when the goods are loaded on board。

  5.Port handover: After the arrival of the goods at the port, it is necessary to transshipment and change the loading. After the goods are transferred to the foreign vehicle for loading, the freight company shall notify the loading company according to the loading time and notify the loading company when loading。

  6.Return note: After the transfer of the goods, the customs will be written off, customs declaration, verification and return to our company, the freight company will return to the customer according to the freight。

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