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What does a food import customs agent's job consist of?

  Customs declaration of imported food

  Imported foodWhen importing goods, the consignee, consignor or his agent shall, within the time limit prescribed by the Customs, fill out the declaration form for import goods in accordance with the format prescribed by the Customs, pay the relevant transport and commercial documents for the goods, and provide the approval certificate for the import goods and declare it to the Customs。The main documents for customs declaration are as follows:

  1.Declaration for imported goods

  2.Shipping and commercial documents shall be submitted for inspection with the customs declaration form

  3.Import license

  4.Inspection and quarantine certificate

  5.Approval document for import goods

  2. Inspect imported food

  Except for inspection approved by the General Administration of Customs,Import food declarationSubject to customs inspection。The purpose of inspection is to check whether the contents of the declaration documents are consistent with the actual arrival, whether there are misstatements, omissions, concealment, false declarations, etc., and to check whether the import of goods is legal。The Customs shall inspect the goods at the time and place specified by the Customs。If there are special reasons, it can be reported to the customs for approval in advance, and the Customs can send personnel to inquire outside the specified time and place。The applicant should provide round-trip transportation and accommodation, and pay the cost。

What does a food import customs agent's job consist of?

  3. Release imported food

  The customs may sign and seal the relevant documents after examining the declaration documents, inspecting the actual goods, and going through the formalities of levying taxes and duties on the goods or reducing or exempting the goods according to law. The owner of the goods or his agent may pick up or ship the goods。At this time, customs supervision of imported goods came to an end。In addition, where imported goods require special treatment by the Customs for various reasons, they may apply to the Customs for release under guarantee。The Customs has clear provisions on the scope and manner of guarantee。

  General requirements for brand names and generic names

  (A) The brand name and the generic name should distinguish between the text or symbol。If the brand name is a registered trademark, you can mark the upper right corner after the registered trademark name (circle R, download and view), or add the card word after it;If a registered trademark is not used and has been applied for registration but has not been approved, the card word should be added after the brand name。

  (2) Shall not use words that express or imply therapeutic effects, shall not use functional names and their homophonies or similar words, shall not use words that exaggerate functions, words related to functions and words that mislead consumers。

  (3) Vulgar or superstitious words shall not be used。

  (4) Words such as human tissues and organs shall not be used。

  (5) The use of false, exaggerated, absolute language, such as, quick effect, generation。

  (6) Terminology and local dialects that are difficult for consumers to understand shall not be used。

  (7) Personal and geographical names shall not be used (except for registered trademarks)。

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