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Beijing imported stone agent customs clearance precautions and customs clearance process

  According to the experience of Qiannuo International import stone clearance in recent years, when engaged in stone import trade, importers must first know how to buy stone that meets their requirements, taking marble as an example:
  1, if you are buying imported marble, please ask the manufacturer for the import code。Nowadays, the price of imported marble is relatively high, so there are more counterfeits。In order to protect your interests, please ask the seller or manufacturer about the import code of imported marble at the time of purchase, so that you can consult the relevant departments and inquire whether the manufacturer is qualified to process imported marble。If the other party cannot provide, be cautious。
  2.When signing the marble import contract, be sure to add another agreed content in the column of "liability for breach of contract", such as: in the column of "liability for breach of contract" add: If the product has quality problems, the manufacturer or seller is responsible for proof。
Beijing imported stone agent customs clearance precautions and customs clearance process
  3, the quality of the product is consistent with the quality of the sample (slight color difference is also a normal phenomenon) No matter how good the salesman says the marble, all you have to do as a consumer is to let him write what he said in the contract, which can save you a lot of time。
  4, to obtain the "quality inspection report" and "radioactivity inspection report" of marble products (the two are different concepts), personally believe that to a certain extent, "inspection report" is more important than "radioactivity report"。Since the buyer can not directly feel the radioactivity of the marble, the "quality inspection report" of the imported marble has clear provisions on the appearance quality of the imported marble。Importers can make intuitive judgments。
  5, marble importers choose imported products, can leave a sample, as a reference for large-scale purchase of marble, in order to avoid bad merchants shoddy, to cause their own losses。
  Import stone declaration form (stone import declaration information is required):
  1, the certificate of origin (if the country of origin is otherwise stipulated);
  2, packing list, invoice, contract (can be redone in China);
  3. Original bill of lading or wire transfer guarantee;
  4, if the imported stone is jade wool, it will involve a grade certificate, and the customs will take this as the basis for audit;
  5, provide a list of ingredients (list specific proportions);
  6. Original invoice
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