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Chemical dangerous goods import customs agent precautions

       In the case of "customs declaration of imported chemical products", chemical products are divided into general chemical products and dangerous chemicals。So how do we draw this line, and what are the differences and attention when introducing it?Let's take a look。
       Dangerous goods, that is, in the process of production, storage, loading and unloading, transportation, because of its chemical, physical or toxic characteristics, it is very easy to cause fire, explosion or poisoning danger, and may cause casualties and property damage。Obviously, this is defined in terms of physical properties。
Chemical product import
Case 1:
       A customer in Zhejiang wants to import a batch of chemical products for corrosion prevention and drying from South Korea, but because it is the first import, the import of chemical products is not well understood。The goods have been prepared abroad, and it was only when we were ready to ship that we learned that Chinese labels were needed。
       As these chemicals are not ordinary chemicals, but category 9 dangerous chemicals, they need to be labeled in Chinese and declare dangerous goods before entering the country。The shipping schedule to South Korea is relatively fast, so the time is relatively tight. Finally, the customer found us and processed the label identification in an urgent manner. It took two days to pass the label and another day to attach the Chinese label, which saved unnecessary costs for the customer。
       Note: The freight of dangerous goods in the port is very high, the storage cost is 5-10 times that of general goods, and the port cost is much higher than that of general goods。
Case 2:
       A batch of French coatings need to be imported to domestic sales, because the domestic order has been received, but if it is imported from abroad by sea, it will take more than one month, so the customer chose air freight。Before importing finished coatings, it is necessary to handle the coating record approval, if there is no record approval, it can not be imported。
       The first scheme is to import the paint in the form of semi-finished products and large barrels, and then reprocess and repackage it in China, so that it can be imported in the way of ordinary chemical industry。
       The second method is to import according to the coating method,Then apply for painting record,Get the receipt to declare,No need to keep the paint in an airport warehouse for over a month,Because the general painting record takes about 45 days,This can result in expensive storage fees,There is one disadvantage to using a receipt to declare,It is necessary to wait for the painting record to be sold normally。
       There are certain differences between general chemicals and hazardous chemicals in import, and they should be classified according to the cargo information before import, and then prepare customs declaration materials。
       There are many types of dangerous goods, and the import of dangerous goods needs to determine the HS code and customs supervision conditions. The documents involved in different types of dangerous goods will be different, and losses caused by improper transportation often occur。
Chemical dangerous goods import declaration precautions:
       For imported dangerous goods, the following preparations should be made in advance: classification and identification report of dangerous goods, Chinese label review of dangerous goods, Chinese label of dangerous goods affixed before overseas transportation, and communication with the dock about berthing of dangerous goods in advance (whether the dock has storage and transportation business of dangerous goods, whether the dock accepts dangerous goods).。
       Dangerous goods must be declared before they arrive at the port。
       The road to customs clearance of imported goods is not only accompanied by flowers, but also by thorns and dark cloth。Qiannuo international customs declaration professional guidance, safety, prevention, resolve the risk。
       For more information, please consult our import consultant, please click the right consultation box。


This article is linked to Chemical dangerous goods import customs agent notes     
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