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United States GPS import agent case

Business information

        Product name: GPS receiver
        Uses: Measuring points, lines, surfaces, physical coordinates, can be used for exploration。
        Features: High value, variety, with batteries。
        Mode of trade: General trade
        Trading nation: The United States
        Price terms: FOB
        Shipping method: Air, DHL Danza, USA -- Beijing。
        Required documents: Letter of introduction, waybill, customs declaration, inspection power of attorney, agency agreement, contract, invoice, automatic import license (electromechanical audit)。

United States GPS import agent case
I. Precautions:
        1.Timely handling of mechanical and electrical audit。
        2.Tell customers to make import records。
        3.Customs declaration told the customs agent, pay attention to the model and battery problems。
2. Operation process:
        This business is pure agent import business。First of all, customers send me SOA online, that is, customer and foreign business orders。According to the content of SOA, I first declare the mechanical and electrical audit online, and then quickly prepare the file for the customer, so that the customer can go to the tax bureau to save the file in time。The general mechanical and electrical audit time, from the application to collect, takes about a week。Wait for the arrival of the goods, prepare the customs clearance documents to the customs declarant, and advise the customs declarant business needs to pay attention to the problems。
        First, the speed should be fast, the import clearance time is generally about 3 days, the faster the better。
        Second, type and battery issues。Due to the large size of the foreign company, it is possible to mix the models and label them wrong。Domestic customers do not understand these, only the arrival of goods can be found, so it is necessary to inform the customs declaration。The original model is equipped with a battery, but domestic customers sometimes set some batteries, which should be paid attention to。Inform the customs agent in advance, and then choose a useful way to declare。
        Third, after the tax, carefully check the tax receipt information, including the company name, the name of the goods, the customs exchange rate, etc., and then pay the tax in time。
        Fourth, after the customs release, as soon as possible to the customer delivery, in the supervision of the warehouse delivery, pay attention to the packaging of the goods is intact, if the problem needs to be confirmed at the first moment。
        Fifth, the goods delivered to the customer, as soon as possible to the customer bill, invoice, refund, settlement。

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