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Commodity import and export customs agent customs agency

Introduction to the customs declaration process of imported daily necessities:
       First, according to the types of goods imported by customers, formulate entry plans。
       Second, according to the import plan, to obtain relevant documents from abroad。
       Third, overseas shipment, mail the bill of lading, after the goods to the port of destination in China, the shipping company at the dock to pick up the container or change the bill。
       Fourth, sort out the customs declaration documents and declare to the customs。
       Fifth, tax - tax - release - pick up the import business is increasingly hot, accordingly, the demand for commodity import customs agents is becoming more and more intense。
       Daily supplies occupy a very important position in our lives, because of its wide variety, such as laundry detergent, dishwashing liquid, body wash, baby diapers, etc., so Xiaobian here to give you a brief introduction to the process of import customs agents。
Commodity import declaration
Import transportation:
Shipping: Container/bulk shipping, barge transportation, port exchange, port warehousing, bonded area warehousing and other port business logistics services。
Air Transport: Dedicated air transport, delivery, point to point, door to door service。
Import customs import products: wood, mechanical and electrical, furniture, crafts, plastics, accessories, parts, textile, chemical, ceramics, lighting, building materials。
Customs clearance items: Hong Kong import declaration, Taiwan import declaration, hardware parts import declaration, new and old machinery import declaration, food import and export declaration logistics。
Commodity inspection category: Wood: imported logs quarantine, endangered species quarantine, plant inspection certificate, fumigation certificate;
Mechanical and electrical: import license, old mechanical and electrical products import prior record, Hong Kong inspection (old equipment before shipment inspection), injection molding machine function appraisal;
Chemical industry: imported chemical record inspection, imported cosmetics, coatings, inks, adhesives and labels;
Other categories: textile exhibition, toy export inspection, enterprise commodity inspection record, exporter inspection certificate, carton certificate, no wood packaging certificate。


Link to this article: commodity import and export customs agent customs company  
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