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What is the CPNP for cosmetics export to the EU?What does it do?

  CPNP CosmeticProductsnotificationPortal English full name, or cosmetics on the portal, is a free online electronic communications systems。Since the implementation of the European Union Cosmetic Regulation (EC)No1223/2009 in 2013, all cosmetic products entering the EU market must submit specific product information to the European Commission through the CPNP。

  Most of the time, in the CPNPImported cosmeticsIt's done by the product owner。With just one notification, a product can be sold in all 28 EU member states。However, CPNP's successful notification does not mean that it meets all the requirements of the EU cosmetics regulation。


  New cosmetic products are mandatory before entering the EU market。The EU does not specify a specific notification time, but the notification must be completed before publication。Cosmetics containing nano-substances must be marketed six months in advance (except as coloring and sunscreen products)。In addition, if product information changes, CPNP must update the product information in a timely manner。

What is the CPNP for cosmetics export to the EU?What does it do?

  Request for information。

  CPNP must provide the following information before cosmetics are placed on the EU market:

  1.The types and names of cosmetics help to identify product characteristics;

  2.Keep the names and addresses of those responsible for the PIF;

  3.Country of origin (if imported);

  4.Export to EU member states;

  5.Details of the actual contact person, if required;

  6.Characteristics of nanomaterials, including chemical names (IUPAC) and names mentioned in the preamble (2) of Appendices II to VI of the EU Cosmetic Regulation, such as CAS and EC (for example, nanomaterials);

  7.Reasonably predictable contact conditions for nanomaterials (e.g., nanomaterials);

  8.CMR substance name and CAS number;

  9.Formulation Appropriate medical aid framework formulation。

  In addition to the above, cosmetics containing nanomaterials are also required to submit the following information in the CPNP:

  (a) the characteristics of nanomaterials, including the chemical name (IUPAC) and CAS number, EC number and other names mentioned in the European Union cosmetic Regulation Appendix II to VI preamble (2);

  2.Specifications of nanomaterials, including particle size and physicochemical properties;

  3.The estimated number of nanomaterials in cosmetics sold on the market each year;

  4.Biological information of nanomaterials;

  5.Safety data of nanomaterials in cosmetics used;

  6.Reasonably foreseeable exposure。

  How to use CPNP?

  Two additional systems, EULogin and SaaS, must be used to access the CPNP system。It uses EULogin to create an account and SaaS to apply for organizational privileges。This is detailed in the EU CPNP Operational Guide, please click on the link below。

  The role of CPNP

  The CPNP is an important part of the EU cosmetics regulatory market to protect consumer health and safety。In the CPNP, EU and member State regulators can monitor and analyse information。At the same time, the information provided by the CPNP can also be used by the EU Poison Centre or similar bodies, but only for medical purposes。

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