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These precautions of plastic import declaration you have to pay attention to

  Other coalition countries include Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines, Laos, Myanmar, Brunei。
  Import of microplastics, provide certificate of origin preferential tariff。
  Precautions for plastic import declaration。
  1, plastic pellet import requirements: unified specifications, unified packaging, unified color。
  2, packaging precautions: the outer packaging must be affixed with the outer packaging label, the label content includes product name, origin, weight and composition percentage。
  3, plastic particles import difficulties: recycled plastic particles in the identification, different customs requirements for recycled plastic particles are not the same, such as Shanghai Customs, the basic import of black recycled plastic particles are identified as waste, it is easy to inspect and identify recycled plastic particles;
Plastic import declaration
  At present, the resource recycling industry is still in its infancy, with small scale enterprises, scattered management, low overall industrialization level, and a small number of backbone enterprises。In particular, the lack of technology research and development, promotion and equipment industrialization has become an important factor restricting the standardization and large-scale development of the resource recycling industry。
  The recycling of waste plastics in China will reach 23 million tons by 2020。The high-value and high-value utilization of waste plastics will be included in pilot demonstration projects,Focus on the development of waste plastic automatic identification and screening technology, paper plastic, aluminum plastic, steel plastic composite separation technology,Develop high-value utilization technology such as waste plastic modification, waste plastic recycling secondary pollution control technology and special equipment,Build enterprises with a production scale of more than 200,000 tons,Focus on supporting efficient renewable energy utilization technology, high-value utilization technology such as waste plastic modification, waste plastic recycling technology and special equipment,Build enterprises with a production scale of more than 200,000 tons。
  Since entering the 21st century,With the wide application of plastics,China's plastic recycling industry market is gradually prosperous,Small and medium-sized enterprises such as Yongquan, investment is active,There has been a shift from the previous home-based plastic recycling model to a pure business model driven by market demand,And developed into a recycling processing cluster, intensive market transactions, market demand and price oriented environmental protection industry economy。
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